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Pandemic Strategy

Our multi-disciplinary experts have created guidelines to end the COVID-19 public health threat
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Pandemic Strategy

Working Together to End the Pandemic

Safer Living Is Possible

While science provides the knowledge and technology to beat the pandemic, we must make individual and collective choices for our community’s well-being. The COVID pandemic will only end when we work together and take shared responsibility for our health and safety.

Ignoring the disease merely prolongs the suffering of all, while taking shared action for healthier conditions—realistically facing the challenge and following a science-based prevention strategy—is the best way to safe conditions. Together we can beat the pandemic.

Why Must We Act Now?

1 COVID-19 is a severe disease that impacts our health, economy, and freedom
2 COVID spreads and mutates rapidly, increasing immune evasion
3 COVID damages the brain, heart, blood vessels, and immune system, causing long term illness and acute events

Facts Backed by Experts

We have ways that we can stop transmission and dramatically reduce the harm of the disease: masks, clean air, testing, and social distancing.

Yaneer Bar-Yam
Yaneer Bar-Yam
Complex Systems Physicist

Countries that have controlled the virus have done better for health, the economy and even the liberty of all society.

Cécile Philippe
Cécile Philippe

Representative Resources

Protected: Long COVID Awareness Campaign
Protected: Kids Posts
Protected: Kids’ Zone

Use Our Guidelines to Act Confidently and Crush COVID-19 in Your Area of Responsibility


Essential information on:

  • How to eliminate COVID
  • Testing
  • Health care
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Recommendations for:

  • Schools
  • Universities
  • Nursing homes
  • Prisons
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Guidance on:

  • Employee safety
  • Meetings & travel
  • Actions for businesses in response to COVID
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Suggestions on:

  • Everyday life
  • Safe spaces
  • Self-isolation
  • Self-care
  • Cleaning & disinfecting
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Together We Have the Power to Make a Difference

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Get involved Together We Have the Power to Make a Difference Together We Have the Power to Make a Difference

More on this Topic

Protected: Long COVID Awareness Campaign

The World Health Network (WHN) recognizes Long COVID as a distinct crisis that is imperative to...

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Protected: Long COVID Awareness Campaign

Protected: Kids Posts

Please submit your content ideas for the Kids' Zone Magazine here!

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Protected: Kids Posts

Protected: Kids’ Zone

Welcome to the World Health Network Kids’ Zone Magazine! Although COVID-19 is a serious topic,...

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Protected: Kids’ Zone

Protected: Kids

Welcome to WHN's Kids Talk, where you can find everything about COVID put into...

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Protected: Kids

Protected: Deutschsprachige Materialien

Eine Sammlung von Links zu deutschsprachigen Inhalten des WHN.

Allgemeine Informationen zu...

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Protected: Deutschsprachige Materialien

Protected: The Airborne Paradigm Shift – A Flyer for Healthcare

Download Flyer...

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Protected: The Airborne Paradigm Shift – A Flyer for Healthcare

The Time has Come for Clean Indoor Air

Welcome to the Dawn of Clean Indoor Air

Just as the movement for clean drinking water...

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The Time has Come for Clean Indoor Air

Science Division

The Science Division writes science and policy relevant articles, and develops data analytic and...

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Science Division

Platforms Division

The Platforms Division provides technical support and development of electronic communication and...

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Platforms Division

Growth Division

The Growth Division contains teams focused on network strategy; supporting expansion and...

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Growth Division

Communications Division

The Communications Division is the hub for distributing news and other information from official...

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Communications Division

Act Division

The Act Division engages and empowers community members and grassroots organizations to promote...

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Act Division

Tools for Productive Meetings

Wondering how to get more out of your next meeting as a facilitator or participant? Curious about...

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Tools for Productive Meetings

Protected: Gemeinsam für Gesundheit: Mach mit!

Das WHN bringt engagierte Menschen und Initiativen zusammen, um gemeinsam positive Veränderungen...

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Protected: <strong>Gemeinsam für Gesundheit: Mach mit!</strong>

Protected: Declaration Regarding Airborne Virus Infection

Original French version by Association Winslow Santé Publique, translated and slightly adjusted...

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Protected: Declaration Regarding Airborne Virus Infection

Protected: SARS-CoV-2 und COVID-19: Von der Krise zur Lösung


Die globale Auswirkung der COVID-19-Pandemie hält an und verursacht...

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Protected: SARS-CoV-2 und COVID-19: Von der Krise zur Lösung

WHN Boardroom Briefing – Nov 23

Global chronic disease and disability risk level: HIGH 

Post-acute viral disease can...

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WHN Boardroom Briefing – Nov 23

WHN Boardroom Briefing – Oct 23

Global prevention risk level: HIGH 

We are in a new wave of uncertainty and an...

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WHN Boardroom Briefing – Oct 23

Protected: Estimation of Infections in the US based on Wastewater Data


Scripts and data can be found on Github.

Our methodology integrates...

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Protected: Estimation of Infections in the US based on Wastewater Data

Share Your Experience with Healthcare-Acquired Infection

As the COVID pandemic rages on, healthcare-acquired infections are harming, disabling and killing...

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Share Your Experience with Healthcare-Acquired Infection

Paths to Healthy Learning

Steps can be taken at Teacher/Classroom, Principal/School, Individual/Household, and...

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Paths to Healthy Learning

Belgium Clean Air Law: A Law to Improve Indoor Air Quality in Enclosed Spaces Open to the Public

This is an auto-translation of the original law in French and Dutch.

01.12.2022 - Moniteur...

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Belgium Clean Air Law: A Law to Improve Indoor Air Quality in Enclosed Spaces Open to the Public

GISAID Variant Data for British Columbia and Alberta, Canada

Data from GISAID.org1, using PANGO lineages2.

Phylogeny & coloring scheme; external link...

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GISAID Variant Data for British Columbia and Alberta, Canada

Weekly Action Team

We here at the World Health Network are organizing to end the COVID-19 pandemic. As governments...

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Weekly Action Team

Fit Testing of Masks

Performing a fit test ensures that your respirator mask fits well with a good seal all around,...

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Fit Testing of Masks

Protected: Visible and Hidden: COVID and Vaccination

For those who still consider herd or other immunity from infection as a substitute for...

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Protected: Visible and Hidden: COVID and Vaccination

Know Your Rights! – Education Resources from Vermont

Many students and members of their families face a heightened risk of COVID-19 complications, and...

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Know Your Rights! – Education Resources from Vermont

WHN Platforms

WHN Slack:

This is our Grand Central Station with communication channels and team meetings in...

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WHN Platforms

Ensuring Equitable Access During Inequitable Times – Resources from the Vermont Center for Independent Living

The Vermont Center for Independent Living (VCIL) emphasizes the need for improved protection from...

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Ensuring Equitable Access During Inequitable Times – Resources from the Vermont Center for Independent Living

National Public Health Week, April 3-7, 2023

Monday - Masks

Tuesday - Tests

Wednesday - Clean...

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National Public Health Week, April 3-7, 2023

Legal Resources

In the US, those who are at risk for serious outcomes from COVID-19 infection or who have family...

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Legal Resources

Doctors Should Not Infect Patients

by Nathanael C. Nerode – 03/21/2023

"If you are somebody who runs a building, operates a...

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Doctors Should Not Infect Patients

Revisiting COVID Safety in Schools: Paths to Safe Learning

Many known COVID-19 prevention strategies are easy enough for schools to put in place, such as...

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Revisiting COVID Safety in Schools: Paths to Safe Learning

Safe Schools Broadcast

All children should have a safe learning environment. In this WHN Broadcast, we talk to four...

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Safe Schools Broadcast

Ethics – WHN Code of Conduct

Individual and group members of WHN are expected to abide by the Values and Ethical Principles on...

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Ethics – WHN Code of Conduct

Mask Selfies

Check out some of the selfies our members have sent to us.

Be safe, wear a...

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Mask Selfies

Covid Action Group Mission Statement

Our Objective

Our objective is to save lives and livelihoods. There is no tradeoff.


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Covid Action Group Mission Statement

Testing Best Practices

More Alabama Schools Proactive with COVID-19 Testing, Students Receive Monthly Gift Card


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Testing Best Practices

Davos Safety Standards

When thousands of investors, business and political leaders, economists, and celebrities attended...

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Davos Safety Standards

The John Snow Project Videos

The John Snow Project:


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The John Snow Project Videos

“Common Names” for Notable SARS-CoV-2 Variants: Proposal for a Transparent and Consistent Nicknaming Process to Aid Communication

T. Ryan Gregory, Yaneer Bar-Yam, Ulrich Elling, Daniele Focosi, Federico Gueli, Ryan Hisner, Mike...

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“Common Names” for Notable SARS-CoV-2 Variants: Proposal for a Transparent and Consistent Nicknaming Process to Aid Communication

Special WHN Discount: CleanForce Air Purifier

We have been given an opportunity to provide a discount to our community on CleanForce Rainbow...

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Special WHN Discount: CleanForce Air Purifier

What Is Long COVID?

After a COVID infection, people may experience ongoing or new symptoms due to the damage that the...

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What Is Long COVID?

Monkeypox Declaration Coverage

How Worried Should You Be About Monkeypox?MSNBC-United States


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Monkeypox Declaration Coverage

World Health Network Global Summit to End Pandemics Sessions

Return to Main Summit Page


Airborne Precautions (DIY and more)

Big Pharma and...

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World Health Network Global Summit to End Pandemics Sessions

Worms in Spaghetti – Fact Checking Media and Government News

WHO Continues to Ignore Long COVID Catastrophe

by Shea O’Neil - 11/16/2022Verified by the...

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Worms in Spaghetti – Fact Checking Media and Government News

Monkeypox Response Guidelines

1. Introduction

Monkeypox (MPX) is a viral zoonotic disease with symptoms similar to smallpox,...

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Monkeypox Response Guidelines

A Multinational Delphi Consensus to End the COVID-19 Public Health Threat

Lazarus JV, Romero D, Kopka CJ, Karim SA, Abu-Raddad LJ, Almeida G, with 40 contributors and...

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A Multinational Delphi Consensus to End the COVID-19 Public Health Threat



China is the biggest trading partner of most...

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Monkeypox Pandemic

BackgroundMonkeypox (or MPXV for short) is a DNA virus from the Orthopox family (Orthopoxvirus,...

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Monkeypox Pandemic

Will the Pandemic Ever End?

Written by: Carlos Gershenson - UNAM & WHN

By now, we all have become used to the familiar...

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Will the Pandemic Ever End?

The World Health Network Declares Monkeypox a Pandemic


In view of:


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The World Health Network Declares Monkeypox a Pandemic

Monkeypox Washington Post Op-Ed

It is time for the global public health community to recognize a growing reality: Monkeypox is...

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Monkeypox Washington Post Op-Ed

Monkeypox in Brief

Monkeypox is a virus closely related to smallpox and cowpox that historically has been found in...

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Monkeypox in Brief

The World Health Network Publishes Guidelines for Global Response to Monkeypox Disease for Immediate Action by Local, Country, and World Health Authorities

International Scientific Panel Calls for Immediate Global Action on Monkeypox to Avert...

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The World Health Network Publishes Guidelines for Global Response to Monkeypox Disease for Immediate Action by Local, Country, and World Health Authorities

Monkeypox Twitter Spaces

On July 13th, the World Health Network hosted a Twitter Spaces event with Dr. Kavita Patel,...

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Monkeypox Twitter Spaces

Resources for Those Who Have Long COVID

How do I know if I have long COVID?

Many people have symptoms that change their lives after...

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Resources for Those Who Have Long COVID

Long COVID Clinician Resources

We begin this section by reminding clinicians that, as repeated by the leading scientists and...

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Long COVID Clinician Resources

Implications of Long COVID for Society

It has become clear that long COVID affects a considerable proportion of COVID survivors. While...

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Implications of Long COVID for Society

Stop Transmission with the Five Pillars of Prevention

The World Health Network (WHN) has released the Five Pillars of Prevention: a multilevel and...

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Stop Transmission with the Five Pillars of Prevention

Scientists propose Mass Testing for the fight against COVID-19

Mass testing can control new variants

Mass testing is an effective tool for controlling the...

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<strong>Scientists propose Mass Testing for the fight against COVID-19</strong>

Clean Air and Healthy Schools (Video)

by Tatyana Matveeva

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Clean Air and Healthy Schools (Video)

Community Action

Community action is key to our pandemic response. We are focused on movement building and...

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Community Action

Citizen Science

The WHN provides opportunities for learning about scientific advances through symposia, courses,...

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Citizen Science

Guide to Section 504 Accommodation Plan

for Students and Households who are At Risk of Serious Adverse Health Outcomes if Infected with...

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Guide to Section 504 Accommodation Plan

School Safety Working Group

The School Safety Working Group is made up of a variety of individuals from all over the world,...

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School Safety Working Group

Safe Schools Infographic

Infographics showing simple measures schools can take to keep both students and faculty safe while...

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Safe Schools Infographic

Opening Schools Without Airborne SARS-COV-2 Mitigations is Violence Against Children, Parents, Teachers, and Communities [1].

by The Team at Shift Sight, September 2nd, 2021

Letter to a School

This is a pre-release...

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Opening Schools Without Airborne SARS-COV-2 Mitigations is Violence Against Children, Parents, Teachers, and Communities [1].

Indoor Air Quality – DIY Solutions Task Force

The Indoor Air Quality - DIY Solutions Task Force is an international group, formed with...

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Indoor Air Quality – DIY Solutions Task Force

Masks, Ventilation, Filtration

Don't Share Your Air

COVID-19 is airborne...

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Masks, Ventilation, Filtration


The WHN hosts scientists and community leaders talking about how to be safer and work together...

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Clean Air Task Force

The WHN Indoor Air Quality Task Force supports the World Heath Network team members, partners,...

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Clean Air Task Force

Long COVID Experiences

(unmute after load completes)


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Long COVID Experiences

COVID Effects on the Brain, a Summary and Resource

Many studies have now provided strong evidence that the SARS2 virus can enter the brain during...

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COVID Effects on the Brain, a Summary and Resource

COVID-19 and Immune Dysregulation, a Summary and Resource


1- COVID-19 causes turnover and aging of the immune cells responsible for...

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COVID-19 and Immune Dysregulation, a Summary and Resource

Global Summit to End Pandemics

Opening Session

Featuring: Nassim Nicholas Taleb, Cecile Philippe, Michael Baker, Eric...

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Global Summit to End Pandemics

Listen to: Long COVID from the Clinician’s Perspective

On August 24th, the World Health Network hosted a Twitter Spaces event focusing on long COVID...

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Listen to: Long COVID from the Clinician’s Perspective

I Have COVID – Now What?

Infographics with instructions about what you should do if you test positive for COVID. Graphics...

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I Have COVID – Now What?

Safer Visiting #2

Minimize COVID-19 Travel Risks

The pandemic has affected us all. With Omicron BA.2...

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Safer Visiting #2

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I still get COVID if I'm vaccinated?

Yes. Current vaccines provide limited protection...

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Frequently Asked Questions

COVID Is Airborne

COVID-19 is airborne, and COVID particles can hang in the air for hours. It is still possible to...

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COVID Is Airborne

Be Safe, Wear a Mask

It's simple: wearing masks can help you live long, live happy, live healthy, and prevent...

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Be Safe, Wear a Mask

Frequently Asked Questions About Masks 

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Frequently Asked Questions About Masks 

Mask Fit Matters

How do you make sure you are wearing your mask properly? What kind of masks provide the best...

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Mask Fit Matters

Pillars of Safety

For more detailed information, see our guidelines for safety in healthcare settings.

The Five...

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Pillars of Safety

Safer Travel – Summer and Winter

Traveling doesn't have to be risky. These infographics give you simple, step-by-step ways to...

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Safer Travel – Summer and Winter


China is the biggest trading partner of most countries. The next SARS-CoV-2 wave in China may...

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Parents? Teachers? Look for these symptoms in kids, they may have Severe Hepatitis and require...

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Du warst vielleicht etwas früh, aber du irrst dich nicht: Eine Lektüreliste zu Covid

Zeige diesen Text deinen Freund*innen und deiner Familie.

Gestern stolperte ich über einen...

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Du warst vielleicht etwas früh, aber du irrst dich nicht: Eine Lektüreliste zu Covid

Mask Quality

Not all masks are created equal, these infographics show which masks provide the best protection...

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Mask Quality

Symposium: The Impact of Long COVID on Health, Society, and Economies

Clinicians, researchers and patients joined to discuss the latest advances in long COVID research...

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Symposium: The Impact of Long COVID on Health, Society, and Economies

El Impacto de las Afecciones Posteriores a la COVID-19 en la Salud, Sociedad y Economia

Un seminario virtual de la World health Network

25 de Septiembre de 202212pm-1pmET...

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El Impacto de las Afecciones Posteriores a la COVID-19 en la Salud, Sociedad y Economia

Long Covid und die Auswirkungen auf Gesundheit, Gesellschaft und Wirtschaft

Ein Online-Symposium des World Health Network

Mit Prof. Dr. Michael HallekDr. Claudia...

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Long Covid und die Auswirkungen auf Gesundheit, Gesellschaft und Wirtschaft

Long COVID und die Auswirkungen auf Gesundheit, Gesellschaft und Wirtschaft (Teil 2)

Eine Veranstaltungsreihe des World Health Network

Mit Dr. Michael Stingl, Dipl.-Psych. Bettina...

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Long COVID und die Auswirkungen auf Gesundheit, Gesellschaft und Wirtschaft (Teil 2)

Long COVID Research Databank

Are you passionate about following the latest research on Long Covid? Are you inspired to help...

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Long COVID Research Databank

Long COVID Infographic

Oftentimes, COVID doesn’t go away when you test negative. Long COVID lasts long after infection,...

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Long COVID Infographic

From Israel: “Vaccinate Children before Omicron Becomes Dominant”

French Economist Cécile Philippe interviews Executive Director of Kohelet Policy Forum, Meir...

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From Israel: “Vaccinate Children before Omicron Becomes Dominant”

Seen From Norway: “Facing Omicron, We Should Act as Soon as Possible”

French Economist Cécile Philippe interviews Norway Researcher, M.D.,Phd, BSc Econ. Gunhild Alvik...

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Seen From Norway: “Facing Omicron, We Should Act as Soon as Possible”

The Pandemic is not Over: Infections Matter

Publication on L'Express

As we enter the third year of the COVID-19 pandemic, many countries...

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The Pandemic is not Over: Infections Matter

Long COVID Experiences – 2

(unmute after load completes)

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Long COVID Experiences – 2

Consensus: 386 Experts From Around the World Say Bringing the Pandemic to an End Is an Urgent Matter

Stephane Bilodeau, Kaitlin Sundling, Geraldine A. Hamilton, Yaneer Bar-Yam

After 6-20 million...

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Consensus: 386 Experts From Around the World Say Bringing the Pandemic to an End Is an Urgent Matter

What to Know About COVID Headaches

When you think about COVID-19 symptoms, you likely picture someone with respiratory symptoms and...

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What to Know About COVID Headaches

Collective Action

Will the Pandemic Ever End?

By now, we all have become used to the familiar wave-like...

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Collective Action

What is the Difference Between an Antigen Test and a PCR Test?

We are now over two years into the COVID-19 pandemic. As we map our way forward, antigen tests...

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What is the Difference Between an Antigen Test and a PCR Test?

Opinion: Pretending It’s Over Amplifies the Pandemic

In a chaotic world where a nuclear power entered a war of choice, and multiple mass shootings...

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Opinion: Pretending It’s Over Amplifies the Pandemic

COVID-19: “The Elimination of the Virus Is Always Possible”

Interview with Yaneer Bar-Yam
Cécile Philippe, Institut économique Molinari

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COVID-19: “The Elimination of the Virus Is Always Possible”

Freedom and COVID

Since the advent of COVID-19, I have never been so unfree. Since March 2020, I have lost many of...

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Freedom and COVID

Community Map – Groups

The commUNITY map serves as a global directory of COVID-conscious groups and teams. Its...

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Community Map – Groups

Community Map – Individuals

The commUNITY map serves as a directory of COVID-conscious individuals around the world. Its...

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Community Map – Individuals


The commUNITY map project serves as a global directory of COVID-conscious groups and...

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Endorse Delphi Consensus as an Individual

If you are an individual that would like to endorse this paper, please leave your information in...

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Endorse Delphi Consensus as an Individual

Endorse Delphi Consensus as an Organization

If you represent an organization that would like to endorse this paper, please leave your...

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Endorse Delphi Consensus as an Organization

School Letter for Safer School Lunches

Good morning,

Add friendly greeting and text here – your kid is excited about school,...

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School Letter for Safer School Lunches

Test All Sick School Children and Offer Vaccines from 5 Years

An OPED in Sweden's National Paper "Dagens Nyheter"

DN DEBATE 7/12/2021

Vaccination against...

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Test All Sick School Children and Offer Vaccines from 5 Years

Human Human Human Human