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Know Your Rights! – Education Resources from Vermont

Many students and members of their families face a heightened risk of COVID-19 complications, and it is their right to be safeguarded while attending educational institutions. By requesting accommodations such as mask requirements and proper ventilation or air filtration, you can help ensure their safety. Here are resources from the Education Justice Coalition of Vermont, the US Department of Education, and the American Academy of Pediatrics to assist you in understanding your rights and taking the necessary steps to protect yourself or others in educational settings.

US Department of Education

Parent and Educator Guide to Section 504 in Public Elementary and Secondary Schools

Free Appropriate Public Education under Section 504

IDEA Guide to IEP Development and Implementation

Disability Rights and COVID Links

Secretary Cardona Letter March 2022

Office for Civil Rights

File a Complaint

Factsheet: Providing Students with Disabilities FAPE During COVID

Factsheet Long COVID Under 504/ADA

American Academy of Pediatrics

Caring for Children with Special Healthcare Needs During the Pandemic

COVID-19 Guidance for Safe Schools and Promotion of In-Person Learning


CDC Operational Guidance for Schools and Early Education to Support Safe In-Person Instruction

NCIL Statement on Face Masks in Education Settings

VT education officials say masking in schools may be needed to protect vulnerable students

Last reviewed on June 12, 2023

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