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World Health Network Global Summit to End Pandemics Sessions


Airborne Precautions (DIY and more)

Big Pharma and “Vaccine Apartheid”

Collaboration Not Siloed

COVID Responses in South American Countries

Essential Data

Harm Reduction

Healthy Survival and Prevention – Networking from people in Physical Distancing

How to Build Zerocovid Spaces – Spaces to Celebrate Life Together!

How To Light Up on Social Media

Listening to Children on “Back to School” in the Current Pandemic

LongCovid: How pathogen persistence must be evaluated and addressed

Media Training Mini Workshop

No-Covid Germany 2.0 What Did Work Well and How Should It Strategically Go On?

Scientific Knowledge Use for Covid Responses

Widespread Intimidation of Elected Officials, Superintendents, and Parents Who Support COVID Mitigation – An American Dilemma

World Health Network Communications: A Transdisciplinary Journal on COVID-19

Airborne Precautions (DIY and more)

4-5pm EST Nov 3

The panel will discuss and showcase Airborne precautions for schools and workplaces, notably various DIY solutions, and the onset of an international coalition to generalize what was done in some states in US with already specific countries’ projects. During the panel, we will livestream the production of a box in real-time as a livestream during the second session.


  • Stephane Bilodeau
  • Sam Causton


  • Amanda Hu
    • Live Demonstration of DIY Cleaner making
  • Stephane Bilodeau
    • Airborne Risk Mitigation for All + Chair of the session

Big Pharma and “Vaccine Apartheid”

11am-12pm ET Nov 4

Anthony Staines, Professor of Health Systems, Dublin City University, and Tim Bierley with Global Justice Now, will outline how big pharma and rich countries have created a devastating “vaccine apartheid.” High income countries like the UK have ordered more than 3 times the amount of doses they’ve needed, whilst only 1.9% of people in low and middle income countries have received a single dose.


  • Fred Leplat


  • Anthony Staines, Professor of Health Systems, Dublin City University
  • Tim Bierley, Global Justice Now

Collaboration Not Siloed Session

9-10am ET Nov 4

The panel will discuss will introduce the Canadian interdisciplinary coalition approach. The Airborne Transmission Coalition, ZeroCovid or PPE Advocates, Occupational health and safety, Parents groups, Unions and Civil society groups collaborating to generate more traction. Notably, last year they successfully pushed for messaging to the Canadian Government for the message that covid is airborne. This panel will address how interdisciplinary groups work better than acting in our own silos. Different groups, backgrounds, specialities, but agree on the main goals/message. Interdisciplinary outreach.


  • Stephane Bilodeau
  • Alec Farquar


  • Alec Farquar
    • Canadian Coalition on Airborne Transmission/Occupational Health & Safety
  • Dr Joe Vipond
    • CAPE, Mask4Canada, POP Alberta
  • Sam Causton
    • Coalition from Civil Society for DIY solutions
  • Stephane Bilodeau
    • Airborne Risk Mitigation for All + Chair of the session
  • Gosia Gasperowicz (with PoP Alberta Group and ZeroCovidCanada)
    • Measures to Suppress & Eliminate

COVID Responses in South American Countries

9-10am ET Nov 4

South America, the most unequal region globally, has been hit hard by the Covid-19 pandemic, with a high number of cases and deaths and severe consequences on social and economic conditions. The responses, however, have been different in different countries. This session aims to discuss Covid responses in three key countries that have developed different approaches to preventive and healthcare measures and social protection interventions, trying to identify lessons to be learned, especially concerning equity.


  • Luis Eugenio de Souza
  • Mauricio Barreto


  • Rosana Campos


  • Avriel Diaz
    • COVID Responses in Ecuador
  • Cristian Rebolledo
    • COVID Responses in Chile
  • Ligia Kerr

Essential Data

4pm EST / 1pm PT Nov 3

This session will examine challenges and opportunities for expanding public access to COVID-19 case data. Increasingly, community members, parents and workers consult data dashboards, joining health experts in seeking to understand areas of high risk and transmission. Looking at information collected through contact tracing, and by tracking school cases, closures, and workplace outbreaks, speakers will reflect on key considerations for sharing meaningful data in the public interest.


  • Laura Streitfeld, Policy and Communications Strategist, Founder and Executive Director, Preserve Rural Orange


  • Shefali Oza, Ph.D., Epidemiologist, Senior Advisor, Partners in Health
  • Liz Rosenberg, Co-Founder and Steering Committee Member, Parents for Responsive Equitable Safe Schools (PRESS NYC)
  • Kaliris Salas-Ramirez, Ph.D., Neuroscientist, Distinguished Medical Lecturer, CUNY School of Medicine

Local Volunteering in China

8-9pm EST Nov 3

Xu Wenwen is a Wuhan-based English teacher who founded the Zebra Volunteer Group during the height of the outbreak in Wuhan. Group efforts were aimed at providing medical supplies to the hospitals, and daily necessities to local residences.

Zebra Volunteer Group

Initiated by Wuhan local volunteers during the start of the Covid pandemic. The aim is to provide PPE for medical staff and community workers. For more than 20 days, this group received generous PPE donations from overseas, individuals and organizations, and connected them to Chinese official philanthropy groups and rescue teams. In the later stage, they also received monetary and food donations, and transported them to the under-privileged communities in Wuhan. 

Harm Reduction

8-9pm EST Nov 3

This session will discuss how harm reduction tools, including vaccines, tests, masks, and ventilation are being implemented globally in different ways. We will discuss how not accepting the science is preventing the optimal implementation of harm reduction tools that reduce the spread of COVID-19.


  • Theo Allen


  • Sara Citrenbaum
  • Julia Raifman
  • David Eldridge
  • Nicholas Smit
  • Gosia Gasperowicz

Healthy Survival and Prevention – Networking from people in Physical Distancing

10-11am EST Nov 4

This session will discuss how families can avoid COVID-19 infections and keep resilience levels high to survive the COVID-19 Pandemic healthy in body and soul.


  • Berta Schodlok
  • Simone Draber


  • Roshan Mamarvar
    • Why to protect the children and family even after vaccination
  • Berta Schodlok
  • Simone Draber

How to Build Zerocovid Spaces – Spaces to Celebrate Life Together!

7-8am ET Nov 4

At the Second Global Summit to End Pandemics, we want to share snapshots, experiences and open questions of what we have learned together. We want to summarize and look back as a local collective. Therefore we ask: What did we reach? How does it feel? Was it worth it? What did we learn? Now, we at least reached a safer and healthier together, so everybody could relax and feel welcome. Our well-being depends on our own actions. And strong actions can only work together!


  • Cornelius Fischer
  • Hanna Koch


  • Dr. Cornelius Fischer
    • Empowerment and strong actions. Everyone can reach safe spaces if WE just DO it!
  • Hanna Koch B.A.
    • The only good system is a healthy social systems. Towards ONE common vision to keep our spaces safe!
  • Josef S. Dipl. Ing.
    • Self-PCR collectives to create minimal risk spaces.
  • Dr. Elisa S.
    • Development of concepts to strengthen active communities that care.
  • Florian F.
    • Social interaction and cultural participation is key. How we supported it.

How To Light Up on Social Media – A joint session from MaskTogetherAmerica and Teens for Vaccines

4-5:00pm EST Nov 3

This joint session will examine how to spark a grassroots movement, run completely by volunteers, using the internet. Our presentation addresses how to leverage community support to train the general public to become powerful advocates, by identifying issues that arise when employing social media. Our goal is to empower those unfamiliar with social media to use it to get their message out and reach the maximum number of people.


  • Julie Lam
  • Lindsay Schwarz
  • Arin Parsa
  • Ayaan Moledina


  • Julie Lam and Lindsay Schwarz
    • How to use social media to raise awareness and start a grassroots movement. What is grassroots empowerment? What are the obstacles? Why we need to build a community and bring people together on social media.
  • Arin Parsa and Ayaan Moledina
    • How to train teens to promote preventive measures and support public health? How to reach teens and get them to support awareness?

Listening to Children on “Back to School” in the Current Pandemic

9-10am EST Nov 4

The World Health Network (WHN) was set up in 2020 to bring people from very diverse disciplines, expertise and backgrounds, to work together for a ZERO COVID environment. In the current pandemic it is a very difficult period for children to cope with going ‘back to school’ under a new school environment and misinformation on COVID-19. Therefore, WHN is reaching out to learn from the perspective of children from diverse backgrounds in this virtual WHN Global Summit.


  • Meena Nathan Cherian


  • TBD

LongCovid: How pathogen persistence must be evaluated and addressed

5pm EST Nov 3

This session will cover the pandemic of chronic illness caused by COVID, the NIH’s decades-long failure to fund research about the enormous role of stealth, persistent infections in those with autoimmune, chronic and psychiatric illness, and explain the science behind it.


  • Dana Parish


  • Steven Phillips, MD
    • Possible mechanisms for LongCovid, how to prevent and manage it
  • Amy Proal, PhD
    • How Covid evades immune system and persists, causing ongoing symptoms
  • Natalie Lambert, PhD
    • Identifying LongCovid symptoms and barriers to care

Media Training Mini Workshop

11am-12pm EST Nov 4

This session is designed to provide a taste of the media training sessions that Zero Covid UK runs for campaigners advocating for an elimination approach. Professor Philo has an in-depth knowledge of how the UK’s media works, and decades of experience of educating students about it. The workshop will be adapted for an international audience and should give you ideas for running something similar in your own country. Teaching methods are interactive and participatory. Come and hone your media skills, and have fun with other campaigners!


  • Isabel Tucker


  • Greg Philo, University of Glasgow
  • Isabel Tucker, Zero Covid UK
  • Janet Newsham, Hazards Campaign and Zero Covid UK

No-Covid Germany 2.0 What Did Work Well and How Should It Strategically Go On?

12-1pm ET Nov 4

Continued Session: 1-2pm ET Nov 4

The session should be a participative bilingual session (English, German) in a kind of open space format. In a first step we want to consider what did work up to now and have a look to the success stories of the No-Covid Approach in Germany. In a second step we want to regard where we are standing now (status-quo) and in a third step we will shed a light on how it should go on: What is the best strategy / the best practice / the best approach in order to get the Covid-Elimination strategy into the public and political conciousness and applied in Germany as a solution for Europe.


  • Joerg Danzer
  • Carmen Schon


  • Joerg Danzer — EndCorona
    • Introduction and Co-Host
  • Carmen Schom — EndCorona
    • Success story of WellenbrecherJetzt, Co-Host

Scientific Knowledge Use for Covid Responses

8-9am ET Nov 4

During the Covid-19 pandemic, the use of scientific knowledge, and even technologies such as vaccines, has been questioned and faced with the spread of fake news and misinformation. This session aims to discuss, from the experiences of three different countries, the possibilities and limits of scientific knowledge as a source of valid information to guide public policies and societal choices.


  • Luis Eugenio de Souza
  • Mauricio Barreto


  • Luis Eugenio de Souza


  • Martin Mckee
    • Scientific Knowledge Use for Covid Responses in the UK
  • Maurício Barreto
  • Dominique Kondji Kondji

Widespread Intimidation of Elected Officials, Superintendents, and Parents Who Support COVID Mitigation – An American Dilemma

7-8pm EST Nov 3

This session will raise awareness of the ongoing threats and intimidation faced by advocates, public health officials, school superintendents, and elected officials, which is a barrier to implementation of COVID mitigation strategies in the school setting.


  • Nicole Kessler
  • Jennifer Tuksal


  • Michigan Parent Alliance for Safe Schools members (TBD)

World Health Network Communications: A Transdisciplinary Journal on COVID-19

6-7pm EST Nov 3

Our editors-in-chief will discuss the motivation for starting a new journal, and the opportunity they see to shape the conversation within academia, government, and the general public. We will additionally walk through the contents of the journal’s inaugural issue. Authors will speak about the articles they’ve contributed, and describe how their writing fits into a big-picture narrative that the journal aims to help construct.


  • Blake Elias
  • Alex Milne


  • Blake Elias
  • Alex Milne
Last reviewed on February 7, 2023

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