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Rae Duncan, MD

Rae Duncan, MD


Expert’s bio

Dr Duncan is a Consultant Cardiologist with a specialist interest in the Post Covid Condition. In addition to her Cardiology qualifications, she has a degree in infectious diseases and two post graduate degrees in cardiovascular research. She is a member of an International Long Covid Research collaboration and has authored 4 Long Covid clinical research trials which are in various stages of set up on both sides of the Atlantic. She has clinical experience working with both acute Covid and long Covid patients and has run a Long Covid cardiovascular complications clinic. She is a Medical Champion for the Long Covid Kids Charity a strong advocate for “Clean Air” in schools. She is concerned about the long term cardiovascular risks associated with previous Sars-CoV-2 infection and is a strong advocate for better protections for both adults and children to reduce reinfection rates and prevent worsening disability from this disease. Dr Duncan is the recipient of a Clinical Excellence Award for her work with Long Covid sufferers. She has also recently joined our Expert Advisory Team on Long Covid here at the World Health Network.