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Join the WHN Physicians’ Group Supporting Airborne Infection Control


We are a group of physicians forming an alliance of doctors who support concrete guidance for systematic airborne infection control in health care settings, including masking, vaccination, testing, HEPA filtration and adequate ventilation. 

We expect the collective impact of clinicians on public policy will be much greater than the influence of individual opinions. There is an ongoing need to pressure national and international public health bodies to implement proper infection control, in particular the CDC in the US, which influences standards globally. 

A consortium of Doctors for Effective Airborne Infection Control (working title) will help persuade the professional and general public of the need for airborne infection control measures, and serve as a trusted source for media. This group will select its own name, coordinators and governance procedures. WHN will be there to support in any way needed, including drafting statements, press releases, social media information, creating graphics, recruiting, and more!

As you are well informed about COVID-19, the risks of infection, and appropriate infection control practices, we invite you to join us. The time and energy commitment required is flexible and will be completely dependent on how much time you have available and how involved you would like to be. For some members, signing on to our public statements will be the extent of their participation. WHN will gladly support others with more expertise or passion who want to be more involved. 

WHN is also in the process of compiling a geographically focused roster of “COVID safe” health care offices and facilities for general distribution, as there is a large demand for such a resource. Many patients are eager to seek out and attend providers who maintain a proactively, universally safe environment. 

Please do consider joining us if you consider Effective Airborne Infection Control a priority for the future of medicine. If you know of others who may be interested in this initiative please feel free to refer them to us.

To join our team or express interest, simply sign up here.

All the best,

Jeoffry B. Gordon, MD, MPH, a retired family doc with an MPH and public health experience, including the management of COVID-19 outbreaks among the unhoused for the Los Angeles Department of Public Health.

Kavita Patel, MD, a primary care physician in Washington, DC who served in the Obama Administration as director of policy for the Office of Intergovernmental Affairs and Public Engagement in the White House.

Sunil Raina, MD is Professor & Head, department of Community Medicine, at Dr. RP Government Medical College, Tanda (Himachal Pradesh).

Špela Šalamon, MD, Ph.D is a physician in nuclear medicine physician in Austria, molecular scientist, curator of, and co-author of the Austrian physicians letter which has been widely reported on.

Joe Vipond, MD is an emergency doctor based in Calgary, AB, Canada, and the co-founder of Masks4Canada and ProtectOurProvinceAB.